Getting Family Support When Giving Up Smoking

It is very important to make sure that you get support from family when you are giving up smoking. This is especially true if you live with family, but even if you just see them regularly. They will need to understand that you will need their help.

If they smoke, this could be difficult. However, it can be a good idea to ask them if they can be considerate of you and not offer you a cigarette when they are smoking and that they support your decision even if they are not able to join you. It is also important for you to tell them that you understand how hard it is to make the decision to give up and that you are not judging them because they have decided to continue.

You are likely to get temperamental and feel down and you may even feel unwell when you give up smoking. It can be worth finding a list of withdrawal symptoms and sharing it with your family so that they understand what you are likely to go through.

They will be able to more understanding if you are not quite yourself and will hopefully be able to give you the support that you need.

You may just need someone to talk to and they could be the right people to be there for you. Often people smoke to relieve stress and you might need them to be there so that you can have someone to talk to about your stress, rather than resulting to smoking. You may find that the cravings are stressful enough and so you could be a lot more stressed than normal about all sorts of things and having someone there to just be able to tell how you feel can make a massive difference.

If you feel that there are certain family members that will not be supportive, then it could be worth avoiding them for a while. You will need to be around people that will be helpful to you.

Preparing the family can be as important as preparing yourself as they will need to be there for you and support you and they need to be aware of how you might be feeling.