The Costs of Smoking

Smoking is very expensive. The type and brand that you smoke will determine how much you actually pay out. Have you ever actually calculated how much you have paid out for smoking. Think about how many cigarettes you smoke in a day. Then calculate how many that is in a week, month and year. Then think about how long you have been smoking for and how much that adds up to altogether. Imagine what you could do with all that money and how much it could add up to in the future if you continue to smoke especially as prices are likely to continue rising over the years.

There are other costs as well though. The health costs are probably the biggest. These costs are not only for you though, they affect your friends and family as well. They could have health problems because of the smoke that you are producing. Even if you are very careful around them, they will still suffer if you get unwell and die early. It is difficult to give up, but it is worth thinking of all of these costs when you are considering doing so.

Most people who smoke want to give up. They do it for a selection of reasons, but they know that they would be better off if they gave up. If this applies to you, then consider the costs of you smoking and think about how much better off you and your loved ones would be if you gave up. It is not something that is easy, but try to think about all the positives of achieving a life without cigarettes and how much easier things will be.

Imagine what you could do with the money, how much better your health will be and how much your whole life will improve. Write down the benefits and remind yourself of them every day and this will help you to be more determined to give up. Draw inspiration from those people who have already given up and are feeling the benefits. Use this information when you feel at your least determined to quit, use it to remind yourself of why you are doing it.