Quitting Smoking Benefits

Quitting smoking benefits is a topic constantly ignored by most people, smokers and non-smokers alike. Smoking is an individual practice that affects not only the smoker himself, but also the people around him as well as the environment. In other words, it is a personal dilemma that has a general application and therefore must be universally prevented or at least reduced. Although it is already a globally known social problem, local communities still can’t quite get the grasp of the gravity of the situation. May be it is because more and more people are hooked into smoking. Studies shows that even minors at least thirteen or fourteen years old are already into smoking and that they practice it on a daily basis, which eventually become their hobby and brought it until they grow up.

After all, giving up smoking is not an easy thing to do. Mostly, it entails a lot of courage that oftentimes causes a great psychological, physical and emotional concentration. And with all the rampant advertisements and constant reminders from both private and public organizations, smoking is still a worldwide practice. With these campaigns, there is only one simple truth about smoking, and that is – Smoking is bad for you. And today is the day, to rethink your life and seriously reconsider the following, quitting smoking benefits.

Warning: Smoking is Dangerous to your health

Health and safety are among the primary reasons which can be derived from and are considered as quitting smoking benefits. Surprisingly, majority of smokers want to live long, but given the side effects of smoking, such a goal is inherently impossible if one continues with such habit. The act of smoking comes with a long litany of diseases that eventually leads into a premature or untimely death or at the very least, a substantially long life filled with incurable illnesses such as lung cancer and the like. This is because every cigarette stick contains harmful as well as addictive chemicals such as nicotine. It may give you some temporary satisfaction but surely it often ends to unwanted results. Moreover, smoking just doesn’t contribute to your death but also endangers the lives of others through second-hand smoke. Indeed, making a decision and sticking with it, could give you numerous quitting smoking benefits.


Quitting Smoking Benefits – The Economic Side

Aside from health and safety considerations, quitting smoking benefits also includes economic advantages. Think about how many sticks or packs of cigarettes you consume every day, if only you’d take the courage to stop, you can easily spend your money to much better things instead, like a new car, a dress, or a pair of shoes. Comparing the advantage and the disadvantage of smoking, in relation to the amount of money you can save as well as the satisfaction you can get from the things that you can probably buy is easy. Instead of purchasing a pack of lights, think about a month’s worth of savings you can get and buying a new pair of shoes. First of all, the satisfaction you can get from cigarettes is only momentary, whereas a new pair of shoes could go a very long way. Or why not buy a new gift for your love one, its benefits are not even comparable to smoking cigarettes on an hourly or a least on a daily basis. Quitting smoking benefits should never be taken lightly, in fact it could be the very key in changing your life for the better.

Quitting Smoking Benefits – The Personal Side

And to top it all up, quitting smoking benefits could give you a great deal of personal satisfaction and a good boost to improve your self-esteem. A typical scenario is that smokers tend to be branded, in a way, as social outcasts. In fact, by just going to private places like malls, offices, restaurants, and other establishments, they often adopt a no-smoking policy. To make matters worse, most people don’t like the smell of cigarettes, that’s why don’t be surprised when people shot a strong, dark stare at your direction every time you light up a cigarette stick. You can’t really blame them; after all they are just trying to protect themselves from the harm your smoke can give to them. With that awful smell that sticks to your clothes as well as your skin, who would ever want to be near you?

You may look tough and macho while puffing smoke, but the big picture is that you are really making yourself the fool considering all the negative side effects, you can get from it. Some smokers even say that smoking helps them release stress and maintains their composure, but in reality smoking only contributes to your personal insecurities and are oftentimes tagged as a sign of anxiety and restlessness. However just by giving up smoking, you can go back to your natural sense of coolness in thought and perspective and ultimately proves your self-worth. It is a result you can get from quitting smoking benefits.

Live A Smoke-Free Life, Now!

So by the time you wake up this morning, think about this article and the idea of quitting smoking benefits, and then ponder on your life as well as those of others. If you really value life as it is, then do yourself a favour, look at yourself straight in the mirror and tell yourself that you can do better. You have a wonderful life ahead of you and no cigarette stick can stop you in making your life better. Think about your loved ones and the example you can show to them by giving up smoking. Wake up to the simple truth that smoking is just a waste of time and that life could be more enjoyable without them.

Surely, you can’t just do it all immediately, but with every single step, you could decrease the cigarette sticks you consume every single day. With hard work and determination, addiction to smoking can easily lose its appeal. Know that sometimes, decisions could be though but a though decision always comes in an even greater purpose for better results on your individual perspective. Surely, you can never go wrong by just considering these quitting smoking benefits.