Top Reasons to Switch to Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes have helped many people enjoy smoking without as many harmful side effects. The original idea for e-cigarettes was patented by a man named Herman A. Gilbert in 1963. He created the first smokeless non-tobacco cigarette which used a flavorful solution to create the simulation of smoking. While Gilbert’s creation was a remarkable idea, he never accepted any offers from manufacturers and the device disappeared from all public records a few years later.

In 2000, a Chinese pharmacist named Hon Lik introduced the modern-day electronic cigarette to the world and the device has been selling well ever since. Several brands have joined the e-cigarette industry since they first appeared over thirteen years ago. And while they were originally marketed to individuals who desired to quit smoking, today many avid smokers choose to smoke electronic cigarettes over their traditional form of tobacco. Here are a few of the top reasons why so many smokers have made the switch.

Electronic Cigarettes can save you Money

Over the past several years the cost of traditional cigarettes have skyrocketed, forcing many people to pay double or even triple in order to cure their nicotine cravings. The average smoker typically pays around five dollars for a single pack of cigarettes. Those people will usually smoke around a pack a day, which means that they would be spending on average around $1,825 dollars per year on cigarettes.

Switch to Electronic Cigarettes

If the average smoker decided to switch to electronic cigarettes, they would pay for a starter kit which averages at around $40 to $60 depending on the brand. The cartridges used for e-cigarettes generally last as long as a pack and a half of regular cigarettes.  If the smoker continues their routine of smoking around a pack a day, they will spend around $827 per year. Their savings would be a difference of $998, close to one thousand dollars. Think of what you could do with one grand right about now. Electronic cigarettes are very affordable and come in a wide range of sizes, strengths and flavors. You can compare electronic cigarette reviews and see which brand works the best for you.

Electronic Cigarettes are Believed to be Healthier

While the experts are undecided when it comes to the health benefits of switching to electronic cigarettes, many people believe that these devices provide a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes. The nicotine solution contains less tar and you can purchase cartridges that do not have as much nicotine included. The cigarettes were originally marketed for individuals who wanted to stop smoking, so they can be used to help you slowly put an end to your addiction to nicotine if you choose to drop down to the cartridge that has lower amounts of the harmful chemical.

E-Cigarettes Do Not Give Off an Unpleasant Odor

One of the main reasons why so many people have been eager to make the switch to electronic cigarettes is that they do not give off that disgusting odor that so many non-smokers are offended by. This not only allows you to take part in more social situations but it also makes it possible for you to smoke in areas where you normally could not. Many restaurants and popular businesses have chosen to allow e-cigarettes in their buildings because they do not pose a potential harm to other customers and do not pollute the air with an unpleasant smell.

Once you have made the decision to switch to electronic cigarettes, you will want to read up on electronic cigarette reviews and find out what others are saying about the best brands on the market. There are several reliable review websites online that can help you make a well-informed decision.


4 Tips to Lose Weight After You Quit Smoking

So you’ve finally quit smoking. Congratulations. While you are no doubt starting to notice an increase in health and well being, you may have also gained a few extra pounds in the process.

This is totally normal, as the majority of people who quit smoking report that they gain weight as their body adjusts to the change.

Fortunately, there are many ways that you can lose weight after you quit smoking…both quickly and easily. Here some tips to help you achieve that.

Lose your appetite

Wouldn’t it be great if you just didn’t feel that hungry throughout the day? You could just get on with your daily tasks without constantly snacking all the time and piling on those pounds.

Luckily, you don’t need much willpower to achieve this, as there are now many appetite suppressants on the market. A suppressant such as pure garcinia cambogia uses only natural ingredients, and is a great aid in losing weight after you quit smoking.

Stock up on healthy snacks

Many people fight their cravings for a cigarette by reaching for the cookie jar. While this may have helped you in your quest to quit smoking, it doesn’t exactly do any favors to your waistline.

Instead, fill your cupboards and fridge with healthy snacks, and rid your kitchen completely of junk food and candy that is full of calories, sugar and fat.

Lose Weight After You Quit Smoking

Get more exercise

There is no better way to lose weight and keep it off for good than by following a structured exercise routine.

You need to be consistent in your approach though, as just hopping on the exercise bike once every couple of weeks is not going to cut it.

Look to have at least 3 sessions of cardio a week, and also consider joining a gym so you can lift weights and tone your body.

Take up a sport

Maybe the thought of following an exercise routine doesn’t fill you with much joy? If so, then a good alternative is to take up a sport that you find interesting, so you can have fun while burning off those calories.

For example, tennis is a sport that requires constant movement and running about, which means when you play it on a regular basis you should be able to drop that extra weight quickly and easily.

If you don’t have anyone to play with then consider joining a club. Every town and city have numerous sport clubs that you can join, where you can play with like-minded people on a regular basis.