Quit smoking with Ecig or Vape Pen?

Should you Quit Smoking with an Electronic Cigarette or Vape Pen?


A question we get very frequently is whether it is better to quit smoking with electronic cigarettes (ecigs) or vaporizer pens (vape pens). The short answer is that it’s really up to you and they are both great choices. The longer answer is that there are pros and cons to each option, and an informed choice is one you are going to be happier with in the long run. So here is our comparison between e-cigs and vape pens to help you choose.

Design of Electronic Cigarettes and Vape Pens

E-cigarettes are designed to look like cigarettes. You can hold them between two fingers, like a regular cigarette. They have a similar size, shape, and weight to regular cigarettes. They even have an LED light on the end that lights up, just like the end of a cigarette lights up when you inhale it! Vape pens, on the other hand, have a design that is all their own. They are not meant to look like cigarettes, or like anything else for that matter. They are designed to fit nicely in the hand and to be easy and pleasant to use. You hold them in your whole hand, not just between two fingers, and you push a button on the side with your thumb or finger to make the atomizer coil fire. In terms of aesthetics, this is purely a personal choice. There are no real pros and cons, but a lot of people who have been vaping for a while will also tell you that it really doesn’t matter. They say they don’t miss having a cigarette between two fingers, if they switch to a vape pen, because what matters is the vape, not how it’s held. Besides, vape pens are much more customizable than e cigarettes, so if you ever get very into vaping you will probably end up going to a vape pen model anyway.

Price of Electronic Cigarettes and Vape Pens

Up front, vape pens and e cigarettes have similar price points. However, e cigarettes are a bit more expensive in the long run than vape pens. This is because e cigarettes have cartridges that you use to refill them, while vape pens have you pour in e juice from a bottle to refill. The price per cartridge is usually a lot more than the price per refill for a vape pen. Also, vape pens are made so that all the parts are interchangeable and replaceable. When an individual part breaks, you can replace it without having to replace the entire thing. E cigarettes are somewhat replaceable like this, but they tend to have fewer parts you can replace, and they generally cost more in the long run.

Flavors of Electronic Cigarettes and Vape Pens


Vaping is all about the flavors you can get with your e juice, and there are some really delicious flavors out there! In general, you can get more flavors for your vape pen than for an e cigarette. This is because e cigs tend to have brand-specific cartridges, so you can only refill your e cig with cartridges that are made for that brand. This means you are limited to the flavor options that the e cig company offers. With vape pens, you can refill your pin with absolutely any flavor, manufactured by absolutely any brand. There is no restriction or limitation on it. Whether you love a flavor you found in your local e cig store or one that you get shipped to you from Timbuktu, you have total control over your choice. The options for vape pen flavors are absolutely endless!

Quality of manufacture

Obviously, this really depends on the brand. There are some cheaply made e cigarettes and cheaply made vape pens; there are very expensive e cigarettes and very expensive vape pens. Some of the things we look for in quality include how long the device is going to last, how much it costs to get replacement parts, whether the quality of the vapor goes down after you have used it for a little bit, and the overall experience of vaping with the device. Vape pens are made of several different parts, some of which will wear out at different rates than others. The atomizer tank, being just a solid piece of plastic and metal, is going to last basically forever, as long as manufacturers are still making atomizer coils and batteries that fit onto that threading. The atomizer coil, on the other hand, is one of the fastest things to wear out. The wick will wear out, the coil itself will eventually go out, and fortunately you can replace them for very little money. If you buy a rebuildable coil and start getting into vape mods, your prices go down even further because you will be buying wire and wick in bulk instead of buying the whole piece one at a time. The battery is rechargeable, and based on your own use patterns you can probably expect to get a good six months to a year out of a single battery before it starts to lose charge quickly. As far as vaping experience goes, this is completely personal. Some people will prefer a heavier vape pen, some people will prefer something light, some people really like the feeling of having an e cig between their fingers, and for some people it doesn’t matter. Just try out different kinds and see what you like!

Ease of use

If you are looking for something that is completely simple and easy to use, then nothing beats a disposable e cig. Pop open the package and you’re ready to go. Once the battery runs down, the e juice runs out, or it stops working well, throw it out and get another one. Nothing could be easier! If you’re looking for something that is easy to take care of but doesn’t have quite such a heavy burden on the environment, a regular vape pen starter kit is great. You fill it up, charge the battery, and you’re ready to go. Clean out your atomizer coil once in a while and replace it when the wick is starting to get too small or it’s not producing good vapor. If you really want maximum customizability and don’t care about how easy it is to use, you will love a vape pen mod. These allow you to build your vape pen completely to your own specifications, and rebuild it to get gigantic clouds of vapor or any other customizations you want.

Why Giving Up Smoking is So Hard

Many people know that cigarettes contain an addictive substance called nicotine. This is something which causes cravings and so when you stop having a supply of it, your body makes you want more.

However, there is more to smoking than this. Although the drug has a big hold on the body, there are other things that people miss when they give up as well.

If their friends and family smoke, they may miss the fact that they can join in with them when doing it. If they smoke when they are stressed, then they need something to help reduce that stress instead. If they smoke when they are bored they need something else to do then. If they feel cool when smoking, they need a different way of feeling cool. If they smoke to stay slim, then they might worry about putting on weight when they stop. Smoking can also give a person something to do with their mouth and hands.

If you are thinking of giving up, then it can be worth having a think about when and why you smoke. When you are looking for aids to help you to give up, you need to think about not only replacing the nicotine but the other things that you associate with smoking. You may need to stay away other people that smoke for a while, for example, think of new stress relieving things to do and try other methods to stay slim.

It may seem a lot of effort, but if you prepare well before you give up smoking, then you are more likely to be successful in your efforts. If you just give up without thinking about how you might feel and what challenges you might face, then it could be that your attempt is nor successful. It is far better to work hard at it and be a success.

So take a bit of time to think about things and then you should be better off when you do give up. Think about both the nicotine replacement that you will be using as well as the habits that you will be changing. If you decide not to replace the nicotine you can still try the other methods to improve things.

Tips for Giving Up Smoking

Giving up smoking is a very difficult thing to do. There are many places that you can get help and it is a good idea to look at these before you actually start.

There is a selection of websites which will tell you about different methods of giving up smoking that could be very useful. They will explain what different techniques you can use and how they work. This will help you to decide which seems the best for you.

You may also find it useful to discuss things with your GP. They might be able to give you some information but also discuss with you what might help you. They may even be able to prescribe tablets for you if you both think that this will be the best help for you.

It is worth making sure that you time things right. You do not want to give up smoking at a time when you are particularly stressed because it could mean that you will find the cravings harder to resist. You may find it better to do it at a busy time though as boredom can sometimes cause you to smoke.

Only you know when you smoke the most and you need to consider this when thinking about how to stop. If you smoke when you go out with friends then stop going out for a while until you are confident you can resist. If you smoke most in the day time, then find something to occupy you at that time to help distract you.

It is worth writing down your goal. Write down the date when you want to no longer be smoking and put it somewhere prominent and look at it every day. You might decide to cut down each day until then or just stop smoking completely on that particular day. Whatever you decide to do, write that down as well, so that you are clear as to your goal and you can see it frequently.

Setting a goal will help you to remain focus and having coping techniques should help you to deal with the cravings you get once you give up.

Who to Get Help From When Giving Up Smoking

If you are giving up smoking it can feel like you are battling alone. It can therefore be important to find support whether this is from friend and family or perhaps online.

You GP could be a good person to start with as they will be able to help discuss with you tools to use to help you give up. However, it is support once you have given up that you will need.

If you know people who have given up themselves, then they could be very helpful. They will be able to understand what you are going through and might be able to give you tips with regards to things they found helpful when they gave up.

If you know people that still smoke and do not think you should give up, then try to avoid them if you can. They are the ones that are likely to tempt you to start smoking again and you do not need that. Smokers can be jealous of the willpower of those who try to give up and may try to make themselves feel better by encouraging you to start smoking again.

Close family and friends need to understand that you will need their support and so you need to tell them what you intend to do. Make sure they know that you might be moody and find things tough for a while and that you will need them to help you to resist temptation.

You may also find it extremely useful to find an online message board or forum where people support each other when they are giving up smoking. It can sometimes be easier to speak to strangers about your feelings or just useful to read that other people are going through the same as you. There also could be useful tips for you to pick up.

It is important to think about where you will get support from so that when you do give up, you can quickly get help. You may need someone quickly if you are tempted to smoke and if you haven’t thought about who to go to, it could be too late.

Getting Family Support When Giving Up Smoking

It is very important to make sure that you get support from family when you are giving up smoking. This is especially true if you live with family, but even if you just see them regularly. They will need to understand that you will need their help.

If they smoke, this could be difficult. However, it can be a good idea to ask them if they can be considerate of you and not offer you a cigarette when they are smoking and that they support your decision even if they are not able to join you. It is also important for you to tell them that you understand how hard it is to make the decision to give up and that you are not judging them because they have decided to continue.

You are likely to get temperamental and feel down and you may even feel unwell when you give up smoking. It can be worth finding a list of withdrawal symptoms and sharing it with your family so that they understand what you are likely to go through.

They will be able to more understanding if you are not quite yourself and will hopefully be able to give you the support that you need.

You may just need someone to talk to and they could be the right people to be there for you. Often people smoke to relieve stress and you might need them to be there so that you can have someone to talk to about your stress, rather than resulting to smoking. You may find that the cravings are stressful enough and so you could be a lot more stressed than normal about all sorts of things and having someone there to just be able to tell how you feel can make a massive difference.

If you feel that there are certain family members that will not be supportive, then it could be worth avoiding them for a while. You will need to be around people that will be helpful to you.

Preparing the family can be as important as preparing yourself as they will need to be there for you and support you and they need to be aware of how you might be feeling.

Avoiding Smokers to Help You Give Up

One thing that can make giving up smoking very difficult is if you are around people that are smoking. It is the same as being on a diet and watching everyone eat chocolate cake.

If you can avoid being around smokers then this is the best thing to do. This will keep you away from some of the temptations. People who smoke tend to be generous and will probably offer you a cigarette and this could be a lot more tempting than when you want one at home, but you do not have one.

People tend to smoke outside most of the time, as it is banned from inside public buildings and so avoiding places where they might go to have a smoke could be wise. There are often little areas outside offices and pubs where people might go and so it is best to avoid these. If you know people that smoke inside their homes or cars, it could be worth not going there for a while. If you get too near to the smoke it could easily tempt you to go back to smoking again.

Obviously you cannot avoid people smoking forever, however much you might want to, you are always going to be in contact with people who smoke and so you will need to get used to it. But when you are finding cravings are really bad, it is best to avoid it if you can. Once you give up, you may find there is a pattern when cravings are at their worst, perhaps at a certain time of the day or when you are doing certain things. These will be the times to avoid being around smokers. There may not be any consistency to it though.

If you cannot avoid smokers then make sure that you have some mechanisms in place to cope if you find you get cravings. Whether you find that an electronic cigarette, some gum, lozenges or other things help, then have those with you to use if you need to.

Remember to stick to the recommended dose and if you are using several different things, make sure that you do not overdo it. Speak to your pharmacist or GP if you are not sure how much of each you can take.