Finding Supportive Websites for Giving Up Smoking

The Internet is a valuable resource for many things and giving up smoking is one of them. It has a lot of useful information on things like tips for coping mechanisms when you get cravings, methods for giving up and things you can take as nicotine replacements.

It can be really useful to find out lots of information about the sorts of problems that you might encounter when you are giving up and this will help you to cope with them if you encounter them. You will find that some websites are advertising products like nicotine replacement therapies or electronic cigarettes and so they may be biased in their information, but they will still be informative. It can be useful to read them anyway as part of your research as it may be something that you will find to be extremely useful to you.

Informative sites can be a really good source of information, but there are also personal sites where people write about their own experiences. Although these are specific to them, they can be extremely useful if you are having the same symptoms as them.

Sometimes you can feel very alone if you do not think that what you are suffering or how you are feeling is normal, but if you can find evidence that other people are the same then this can help a lot. It can be even better if they explain how they coped with it.

Forums and message boards with a giving up smoking theme can be really useful as well because you can always post details of how you are feeling and see if anyone can provide any help for you. It is surprising how useful this can be, especially if you are using a popular website.

So by looking around online, you will find that there are all sorts of websites, blogs and forums that you will be able to use to help you. They can be an extremely useful source of information and support when you are giving up smoking and therefore well worth looking for.

When to Give Up Smoking

It may seem silly to think too hard about when to give up smoking. You may feel that if you have made up your mind, then you should just do it. However, this may not be the most sensible option for you.

You need to start by thinking about how you will cope once you give up. You may feel good about it at the moment, but there will be times when you get cravings and so you may need to think about what to do then. It might be wise to go to your GP for help with this.

If you tend to smoke when you are feeling stressed, then it is wise not to give up when you are particularly stressed as it could make it far more difficult. We all suffer from some stress and so it is wise to find an alternative way of coping with it. It might take time to find something that works and so it can be worth having a think about what that might be.

If people you know are giving up, then it could be good to give up at the same time as them. You can then help and support each other. If they are doing well then it should encourage you to keep going with it and if they are finding it tough, you might be able to help. They may be able to support you if you are struggling as well.

It can be a good idea to have a friend or family member willing to be at the end of a phone and talk to you if you get bad cravings. Then instead of turning straight to a cigarette, you can call them and ask them to tell you all the reasons why you should not have one.

Keep a written record for yourself as well of the reasons that you wanted to stop smoking and remind yourself of them when you are wavering. It can really help to remember that you want to be around longer for your children, have a healthier old age or be able run faster without getting out of breath.

Replacing Smoking

Sometimes it can really help, when you are giving up smoking, to replace it with something else. Some people choose things like electronic cigarettes to replace both the nicotine and the sensation of smoking. Others prefer to replace the nicotine with a patch, gum or lozenge and do not replace the sensation with anything.

Some people find that they need something to do with their hands once they give up smoking. Doing a craft activity could help like sewing, knitting or drawing perhaps. You may find that playing computer games or typing on a keyboard could help. It will take time to find something that works for you, if you feel that something is missing.

When you have completed a meal, you may normally go out for a smoke and you may miss it. This is not unusual but it is wise to find something to replace that with. Maybe go for a walk instead, suck a mint or wash up. There are quite a few things that you could try.

The comfort from a cigarette is something that can be hard to replace. You could try having a cup of tea or coffee, although if you normally had one with a cigarette, then this could make things worse. You might find comfort from eating a square of chocolate, but be careful not to form another habit! It might be better to look to watching your favourite TV show, playing your favourite game, having a chat with a friend or going for a run for comfort as these would be healthier options.

You do not need to replace smoking with anything of course and you will get used to managing without it. However, you do need to think about how you will manage while you are adjusting to not smoking and whether you will need to think of coping mechanisms to get you through the difficult times.

It can even be worth thinking about this before you quit, because you may just cave in to temptation if your cravings get too big otherwise. If you have something to do, to take your mind off them, you will have more chance of resisting.

Stop Smoking With Tablets

There are two different types of tablets that you can take to help you when you are giving up smoking. They are both only available on prescription and so you will need to speak to your GP before you start taking them.

You will be able to get microtabs from the chemist and they dissolve under the tongue and release nicotine. These are different to the prescription tablets. One type is called Champix and it helps to not only reduce cravings but also to stop you feeling so good when you smoke, if you do get tempted. Another type of tablet is Zyban and you take it for two weeks while you cut down what you smoke and then continue with it.

The drawbacks of both of these are that there are possible side effects. This is something that most people want to avoid from medication and so they may decide not to try them. However, just because some people get side effects, it does not mean that all people will. Your GP will be able to discuss with you what the side effects are and the chances of you getting them. Whether they will let you take the tablets will depend on your medical history.

The decision as to whether to use them or not will be yours, if your GP says that you are fit. You need to weigh them up with the other nicotine replacement therapies and decide which you think will be the best for you. It is important to know all your options and think about what will work. If you have tried to give up before, then you will have an idea about what you missed most about smoking and therefore which will help you the best.

If you have not tried to give up before then you may need to guess, but you can always change your method once you get started. It is important to keep in touch with your GP and discuss how successful you think things are going with the pills so that they can decide whether you need extra help or an alternative.

Using Champix to Quit Smoking

There are many different methods that people use to give up smoking. It is common for people to use a nicotine replacement where they continue to get a nicotine fix but without actually smoking. As nicotine is the addictive item in cigarettes, it can help to break the habit by reducing the amount of nicotine at the same time as not smoking. Many people find that giving up with no replacement very hard. A few people manage it, but there is no weakness associated with using something to help you, at least you are wanting to try to give up smoking.

An alternative to nicotine replacement is Champix. This is something which you will have to get on prescription form your GP. It is a 12 week treatment which helps to reduce cravings for nicotine and eliminates the withdrawal affects you get from cutting down on it. You tend to start taking it before you give up smoking, increasing the dose while reducing the amount of cigarettes until a week or two has passed and you are no longer smoking. It can cause nausea and sleep disturbances but is something that many people find is effective.

One very good thing about Champix is that it makes smoking less pleasurable. This means that once you are on a full dose of it, if you relapse, then you will not enjoy the sensation as much as you may have expected to have done. This could make a huge difference if you do get tempted. It will make you not enjoy the cigarette you are having, but could also change your perception of cigarettes so next time you are tempted you may decide not to go ahead.

It is more effective for some because they do not like the idea of reducing nicotine without something to replace it with or just find it too difficult to give up that way. There is no shame in going to your GP and explaining that you have tried many methods to give up and think this one might be better. They will have come across many people who have struggled to give up smoking and may have even had trouble with it themselves. They will not judge you, in fact they will be pleased that you are willing to give something a go.

There are other non nicotine drugs such as Zyban, but they can have more side effects and are not suitable for everyone, which is why it is best to consult with a GP.

Top Reasons to Switch to Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes have helped many people enjoy smoking without as many harmful side effects. The original idea for e-cigarettes was patented by a man named Herman A. Gilbert in 1963. He created the first smokeless non-tobacco cigarette which used a flavorful solution to create the simulation of smoking. While Gilbert’s creation was a remarkable idea, he never accepted any offers from manufacturers and the device disappeared from all public records a few years later.

In 2000, a Chinese pharmacist named Hon Lik introduced the modern-day electronic cigarette to the world and the device has been selling well ever since. Several brands have joined the e-cigarette industry since they first appeared over thirteen years ago. And while they were originally marketed to individuals who desired to quit smoking, today many avid smokers choose to smoke electronic cigarettes over their traditional form of tobacco. Here are a few of the top reasons why so many smokers have made the switch.

Electronic Cigarettes can save you Money

Over the past several years the cost of traditional cigarettes have skyrocketed, forcing many people to pay double or even triple in order to cure their nicotine cravings. The average smoker typically pays around five dollars for a single pack of cigarettes. Those people will usually smoke around a pack a day, which means that they would be spending on average around $1,825 dollars per year on cigarettes.

Switch to Electronic Cigarettes

If the average smoker decided to switch to electronic cigarettes, they would pay for a starter kit which averages at around $40 to $60 depending on the brand. The cartridges used for e-cigarettes generally last as long as a pack and a half of regular cigarettes.  If the smoker continues their routine of smoking around a pack a day, they will spend around $827 per year. Their savings would be a difference of $998, close to one thousand dollars. Think of what you could do with one grand right about now. Electronic cigarettes are very affordable and come in a wide range of sizes, strengths and flavors. You can compare electronic cigarette reviews and see which brand works the best for you.

Electronic Cigarettes are Believed to be Healthier

While the experts are undecided when it comes to the health benefits of switching to electronic cigarettes, many people believe that these devices provide a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes. The nicotine solution contains less tar and you can purchase cartridges that do not have as much nicotine included. The cigarettes were originally marketed for individuals who wanted to stop smoking, so they can be used to help you slowly put an end to your addiction to nicotine if you choose to drop down to the cartridge that has lower amounts of the harmful chemical.

E-Cigarettes Do Not Give Off an Unpleasant Odor

One of the main reasons why so many people have been eager to make the switch to electronic cigarettes is that they do not give off that disgusting odor that so many non-smokers are offended by. This not only allows you to take part in more social situations but it also makes it possible for you to smoke in areas where you normally could not. Many restaurants and popular businesses have chosen to allow e-cigarettes in their buildings because they do not pose a potential harm to other customers and do not pollute the air with an unpleasant smell.

Once you have made the decision to switch to electronic cigarettes, you will want to read up on electronic cigarette reviews and find out what others are saying about the best brands on the market. There are several reliable review websites online that can help you make a well-informed decision.